marți, 9 septembrie 2008

Otto Gagel

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JamesGagel2008 says:

This is my ancesor's bakery in Bucharest Romania. The Gagel family was German. My great great gandfather, Johan Gagel, was born in Oberlangenstadt, Germany circa 1825. The Gagels were credited with bringing new production techniques to Romania, along with other German entrepreneurs. The Gagels came to New York in the late 1800s and owned a Fur Dyeing company in lower Manhattan.

James Gagel, Coral Gables, Florida
Posted 17 hours ago. ( permalink | delete )

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ioanvickdrag Pro User says:

JamesGagel2008 spune:

Acesta este ascendentul meu de produse de panificaţie din România - Bucureşti. Gagel a fost o familie de origine germana. 'My gandfather', Johan Gagel, sa născut în Oberlangenstadt, Germania,aproximativ in anul 1825.
"De Gagels: au fost creditati cu aducerea de noi tehnici de producţie în România, împreună cu alti antreprenori germani .' De Gagels' au venit la New York mai târziu de 1800 şi care este deţine o companie mai mică de vopsirea blanurilor , în Manhattan.

James Gagel, Coral Gables, Florida
Posted 8 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

Otto Gagel
Originally uploaded by ioanvickdrag

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