Rumiana Mestrovic,nora sculptorului Ivan Mestrovici, mi-a transmis mai multe materiale despre escrocheria Ministerului Culturii de la Bucuresti cu sculptura Regelui Carol I amplasata recent in centrul Capitalei (foto: sculptura lui Mestrovic si cea copiata de Codre).
Conform marturiei pe care o public in exclusivitate in continuare (alte documente le voi publica zilele viitoare) semnata impreuna cu sotul ei,Prof. Dr. Matthew Mestrovic, fiul sculptorului, Ministerul roman al Culturii a mintit si este partas la un furt:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We just had this afternoon a meeting in the Ministry of Culture with the person of the Cabinet, appointed by the Croatian Minister of Culture for such a conversation. The subject of my meeting with Nina Obuljen (Chief of Cabinet to the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, and Coordinator for UNESCO at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ) were two questions:
1. Did the Croatian Ministry of Culture ever had any negotiations with the Romanian MCC or representatives of the Romanian government concerning the two equestrian statues of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand ? Did ever the Croatian government had discussions with Romanian officials regarding huge amounts of copyright compensation ? As MCC officials claim in Romania*...
2. Did the Croatian Ministry of Culture ever had any negotiations with the four heirs of Ivan Mestrovic concerning the two equestrian statues of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand ? Did the Croatian Ministry of Culture ever offer 4 million Euro or any amount for copyright compensation to the four heirs of Ivan Mestrovic or any of them , on behalf of the Romanian of the Croatian State or Government? As MCC officials claim in Romania *...
On these questions the answer of Nina Obuljen , on behalf of the Croatian Minister of Culture ,was :"NO! Never!
In the Croatian Ministry of Culture there is not a single paper or document exchanged with MCC on this subject. It is not our business to interfere what Mestrovic's heirs are doing in eventual negotiations or contacts with the Romanian side. We just told the Romanian Officials who the heirs are and that negotiations and discussions should be held only with the Mestrovic family as copyright holders and owners of the two statues. The Croatian Ministry of Culture does not intent to deny whatever was published in the Romanian media , because that is not our duty or obligation, we do not have time to do things like that - to track who said what and to respond , even if a claim was made by the Romanian MCC. To the delegation sent by the MCC in Zagreb in 2006 we did not give any permission for taking photos of your statues , since it is not our right to do so. "

In this case let the Romanian MCC clarify and prove when and with whom they "negotiated", with all the specifics and technical details that negotiations include?** To whom did MCC offered 4 million EURO ? How did the head of Public Monuments and Heritage Tourism Bucharest, Mr. Florin Necula "know" that we would ask 3 million EURO even before we were informed about the project? *** Why in June 2006 when they were in Zagreb, Mr. Virgil Nitulescu and Mr.Mihai Oroveanu did not invite us for a discussion as they said so to the Romanian papers that they intend to do ? **** Why MCC does not have real discussion or negotiations with us , if we support the project and they are really interested in reconstructing the monuments ? Or if someone cheated or misled MCC , let them find out who and why? It is never too late to have civilized dialogue, if there is good will.
I underline - the four heirs hold the Mestrovic copyright , the big models of the two equestrian statues of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand are mine and my nephew's property. We strongly support the project of reconstructing the two destroyed equestrian statues.
Bucharest is entitled to get the genuine statues of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand , instead of poor imitations and plagiarism that offend the memory of the two kings and Ivan Mestrovic. Such a project has a profound symbolic meaning !
Prof. Dr. Matthew Mestrovic
Prof. Rumiana Mestrovic
* and elsewhere
„Am avut chiar o discuţie cu guvernul croat, s-au oferit chiar să plătească ei drepturile pentru statuia lui Carol I, deci nu e o problemă de bani, chit că îi dăm noi, chit că îi dau ei. Însă unii dintre cei patru moştenitori ai sculptorului refuză să vândă drepturile, iar tranzacţia trebuie făcută cu toţi deodată", a explicat pentru Cotidianul ministrul Culturii, Adrian Iorgulescu."
"MCC are sprijinul autorităţilor croate în realizarea acestui proiect, însă partea mai dificilă o reprezintă obţinerea drepturilor de autor deţinute de urmaşii lui Mestrovic, în număr de patru."
"Statuia ecvestră a regelui Carol I urmează să fie construită pe bani grei, în Piaţa Revoluţiei din Bucureşti. Numai cumpărarea drepturilor de autor pentru folosirea machetei de 50 cm - care se află, în prezent, la moştenitorii sculptorului croat Ivan Mestrovici - ar putea ajunge până la trei milioane de euro, crede Florin Necula, şeful Administraţiei Monumentelor şi Patrimoniului Turistic Bucureşti."
" Virgil Nitulescu, secretar de stat in MCC, si Mihai Oroveanu, directorul Muzeului National de Arta Contemporana, vor discuta cu urmasii lui Ivan Mestrovici pentru o eventuala multiplicare a uneia dintre machetele dupa care a fost realizata statuia, anunta Mediafax."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Today's Croatian daily "Vecernji list" ( "Evening paper") published an article by Denis Derk * concerning the Romanian project in question. The journalist is quoting an official letter that "Vecernji list" received last Friday (16 05 2008 ) from the cabinet of Minister Bozo Biskupic ( Ministry of Culture of Croatia ) in which it is stated :
" The Ministry of Culture of Croatia , upon the request from the Romanian side , helped in the establishment of contacts with the heirs ( of Ivan Mestrovic) , all the subsequent negotiations about eventual casting were conducted with the heirs". Other words the Croatian Minister of Culture asserts that the Romanian Minister of Culture is not telling the truth when he claimed in Cotidianul ** and elsewhere that
I don't want to judge who is telling the truth, but I ( as one of the four heirs with equal rights , esp. copyright holder ) was never offered by the Croatian Minister of Culture millions of Euros , as the Romanian Minister of Culture claimed and the claim of Minister Adrian Iorgulescu is officially denied by the Croatian Minister of Culture . Minister Adrian Iorgulescu also have never offered me any money , let alone millions , nor did hi undertake any negotiations. Let the two Ministers sort out who is inventing information and let them prove it with documents.
Obviously the Ministry of Culture of Croatia denies any negotiations with Mestrovic's heirs. That implies that any negotiations must have been conducted only by MCC of Romania . Let MCC produce evidence when they offered us any copyright compensation ! And if they claim that one of us refused their 4 million Euro offer , let them name him. Besides MCC should know that this can not be legal as any negotiations had to be conducted with all the four holders.
I underline - I never asked nor was offered any monetary compensation by MCC ! MCC never conducted with me any negotiations . I welcomed the reconstruction of the two equestrian statues of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand by immediately answering the only letter of MCC of 11 August 2006 ( identical letters were sent to the other three heirs) from Secretary of State Virgil Stefan Nitulescu(MCC), expressing the intension to re-erect the two statues- of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand ***. MCC never replied...
So why it is so important for Minister Adrian Iorgulescu to hide the fact and to feed the Romanian people with false information ?
After August 2006 , since I thought that MCC has serious intentions, I consulted some lawyers to clarify the real situation with the copyright of the two equestrian statues of HM Carol I and HM Ferdinand and I turned out that irrespective of the ownership of the two models ( mine and of my nephew) any reconstruction had to be with the approval of all four heirs ( MCC knew this fact from the Mestrovic Foundation or Museums) .
Prof. Dr. Matthew Mestrovic
** Carol I, acuzat de plagiat, 08 Mai 2008 Alexandra Olivotto : „Am avut chiar o discuţie cu guvernul croat, s-au oferit chiar să plătească ei drepturile pentru statuia lui Carol I, deci nu e o problemă de bani, chit că îi dăm noi, chit că îi dau ei. Însă unii dintre cei patru moştenitori ai sculptorului refuză să vândă drepturile, iar tranzacţia trebuie făcută cu toţi deodată", a explicat pentru Cotidianul ministrul Culturii, Adrian Iorgulescu."
*** "...I will be glad to discuss directly with the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs of Romania the matter of restoring the statue of King Carol at its location in Bucharest. Allow me to add that I was delighted to hear again about the initiative of the Romanian government . On several occasions in the past, when I was a member of the Croatian parliament and was in Bucharest, and while I was the Croatian ambassador in Bulgaria, Romanian officials raised the issue of the restoration of the destroyed monuments, but at that time there was no concrete issue... "
Nu as spune ca e in exclusivitate, in principiu dna Mestrovic a trimis aceste informatii unde a vazut interes pt statuia lui Carol I. Si blogul nostru a corespondat cu dansa.
RăspundețiȘtergerePoate totusi si spuneti de unde ati luat comparatia intre statui (cea de la inceputul articolului), sa fie totusi fair-play, nu?